Certified Public Accountants 

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Tax Preparation and Delivery 2022

Tax Preparation and Delivery 2022
Greetings from Elek & Noss, CPA’s

First, we would like to thank you for allowing Elek & Noss CPA’s to be your financial service provider during these uncertain times. As your CPA, we feel it is important to keep you informed of how the Covid-19 pandemic is impacting our industry, which in turn, impacts you as a client. Over the past year, certain vendors (paper suppliers, reference materials, professional business periodicals) have informed us that they are limiting or eliminating the paper version of materials that we use. Additionally, we have had to work remotely or on limited schedules, so access to hard copies of information or files has been difficult. 

As a result, we are moving away from retaining paper copies of information and will no longer provide a paper copy of tax returns, financial statements, accounting reports, payroll tax returns, and other miscellaneous tax returns. Instead, we will be providing an electronic copy of these items via secure email. For most of you, this isn’t new. We have been sending electronic copies through secure email for several years and those numbers have been growing over the last couple of years.  

As tax season begins, we encourage clients to send information electronically by email, or through our website www.eleknoss.com. Simply click and upload your documents securely or ask your service provider for the secure email link. For those that do not have access to a scanner, an electronic copy of tax or accounting information, you can bring your documents to the office, we will scan and return all your information.  

We will continue to meet with clients to review tax returns or accounting information in person, via phone, or Zoom/Teams. Our tax season office hours are Monday through Friday 9-6 pm, and Saturday 9-2 pm. If you have any questions, please the office at 440-926-9300.

Happy New Year,
Elek & Noss CPA’s

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